Sherwood has represented manufacturers for over 50 years, keeping its focus on the Water Well, Wastewater, Plumbing and Industrial markets. Sherwood's long-term success is due to maintaining good-natured, two-way relationships with Engineers, Contractors, Distributors and Wholesalers.
Warren Olson is the owner and lead sales representative of Sherwood Specialties. He began his career with the company in 1974 under the direction of the original owners, Robert Ellis and Vince Arcuri. Since then, he has strengthened and grown the Sherwood name.
The Sherwood team frequently calls on plumbing wholesale, and industrial accounts in western, central, eastern and northern New York as well as Long Island and New Jersey. They also work with engineers and contractors within the same areas as some of our products can be specialized for each application.
NORWESCO is North America's leading manufacturer of proprietary rotationally molded polyethylene tanks for agricultural, water, closed-top industrial and below ground septic and cistern applications. Norwesco was founded in 1939 in St. Paul, Minnesota under the name of Northwest Plastics, Inc...
Pump tanks (or dosing tanks) are an integral part of any pumped septic system such as a mound system or flood dose system. It is a tank (built like a septic tank) that contains one or more effluent or sewage pumps and controls. Float type switches inside the tank turn the pump on and off. The pump delivers a "dose of water to the absorption field.
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Radius trench drains have been specified for years, but until now have been extremely difficult to construct. Eric'sons Dura-Trench now offers a prefabricated drainage trench for those special applications where a seamless curve is required. Radius trench drains are custom built to your specifications. Eric'sons will build them to any radius in most common widths. We currently offer internal widths of 4", 8", 10", 12", 18", and 24". The lengths of the drains will vary with the radius, but they are typically 8' sections. Radius drains are typically sloped at 1%, but 0.5% slope or non-sloping units are available.
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Rite Boilers: Firetube, Watertube or Cast Iron? Bent Tube or Straight Tube? Condensing or Non-Condensing? These are the decisions faced when choosing your next boiler. Making an intelligent choice starts with asking the right questions. "What type of boiler do I need?" "How much?" "How long should it last?" "What will maintenance cost?" "How much will it cost to operate?"
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Black & Green water Tanks: Snyder provides a wide range of above ground storage tanks in Black or Dark Green ranging in size from 205 to 10,000 gallons, and are designed for either indoor or outdoor use where wells do not meet the consumption needs of the users. All Snyder water tanks are manufactured from FDA compliant resins and manufactured in NSF inspected facilities.
DuraTrench precast fiber reinforced plastic trench systems were designed for durability and ease of installation. The system features an ultra-smooth precast trench body that has flow rates superior to cast in place trenches. The 8' lengths make installation fast and help keep installations straight and true.
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Dura Trench: helped a contractor with the Hudson Yards project in downtown Manhattan with a radius slot drain. The park area has sweeping curves and wonderful architecture. Here are some sneak peaks at the slot drain installation and architectural elements. We will bring you additional pictures once the project is completed. What fun it is to be involved in masterful projects such as this!
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Dura Trench: Hudson Yards is New York's newest neighborhood and home to more than 100 diverse shops and culinary experiences, offices for leaders in industry, significant public art and dynamic cultural institutions including The Shed, modern residences, 14 acres of public plazas, gardens and groves and the world's first Equinox Hotel
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Dura Trench Hudson Yards has become the cultural center of Manhattan's New West Side. A template for the future of cities, this new neighborhood has not only changed the way New York looks to the world, but the way the world sees New York.
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Dura Trench: Take this patio project for example. Our customer wanted a certain look and they really wanted long lasting aluminum so that it weathered to a dull silver color. Dura Trench can assist designers with almost any look in both straight and radius trench drains. What can we do for you today?
Outdoor Shower Company is one of the only companies in the US that manufacturers and distributes outdoor stainless steel showers. We have more than 200 styles for you to choose from and can design and modify a shower to meet your particular needs.
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SPI Septic Products, Inc is made in the USA control panels, system alarms, float switches and more. They deliver the information, expertise, and personalized attention you need.
Visit SPI Septic Products, Inc